Class Actions

Individuals who have been subjected to unlawful employment practices can have their rights vindicated through the legal process in several different ways. One such way is for someone to file an individual action on behalf of him or herself against an…

Denial of Tenure Claims

Denial of tenure in the academic employment context raises complex issues that are not found in typical employment contract claims. Employment decisions involving college and university administrators also present unique challenges. First Amendment p…

Employee Compensation and Benefits

When it comes to employee compensation and benefits, many laws at both the state and federal levels come into play. Whether you are faced with unpaid commissions, figuring out your pension, negotiating bonuses, vesting stock options, or maintaining r…

Employment Discrimination Claims

If You Have Been Subjected to Employment Discrimination, Our Connecticut Employment Discrimination Attorneys Can Help The Civil Rights Act of 1964, and specifically Title VII, is one of the cornerstones of American employment discrimination laws. Tha…

First Amendment Employee Claims

Employees in Connecticut have the right to speak on matters of public concern, such as social or political issues, without fear of retaliation from their employers. This protection is rooted in the First Amendment, which guarantees free speech and is…

Government Employee Disputes

Government employees regularly face unique work-related situations throughout their careers. Not only do many of them deal with the public on a regular basis, but many are also subject to a complex web of rules, regulations, policies, and procedures.…

Retaliation Claims

There are many Connecticut and federal laws in place to protect employees who blow the whistle against an employer, which usually involves reporting or opposing some type of conduct that the employee believes is illegal. These laws make it illegal fo…

Severance Negotiations

There are many reasons employees leave employers, and there are a wide variety of arrangements offered to them as they leave. Very often, employers either knowingly or unknowingly fail to put their best offer on the table when they offer severance or…

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Our Connecticut Attorneys Help Victims of Workplace Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault When you go to work, you have the right to do your job without having to fend off unwelcome sexual advances, whether physical or verbal. Yet in 2022, more than 1…

Wage Hour Cases

Wage and Hour Attorneys Helping You Get Your Unpaid Wages & Overtime Pay You work for a living, and you’ve earned your wages. Your ability to pay your rent or mortgage, medical and education costs, transportation, and put food on the table depe…

Whistleblower Actions

Whistleblower Attorneys in Connecticut Defending Your Rights If you acted as a whistleblower regarding your employer’s conduct and there was retribution against you, you should know that you have rights. If an employer unlawfully retaliates against…

Wrongful Termination Claims

Advocating for You in Connecticut Wrongful Termination Cases Simply put, wrongful termination is being fired for an illegal reason. Although most employees in Connecticut are employed as at-will employees, no employer is permitted to terminate your e…